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Abs exercises

Ab Crunch



Plank Torso Twist


Reverse crunch

Bird dog

Crunch on floor

Deadbug abs

Hanging Leg Raises


In outs to abductor

Plank jacks

Plank reach

plank with leg lift


Reverse cable crunch

Torso Twist

Arm exercises

Barbell Curl

Cable curl 

Cable Tricep Pushdown

DB Row Single Arm

DB Skull Crushers

EZ Bar Skull Crushers

Home Bicep Curl

Standing Curl

Standing Curls

Standing Stright Cable Curl

Tricep DB kickback standing

Tricep kick back single arm


Alternating Bicep Curls

Hammer Curls

Static Hold Bicep Curls

Tricept Extention

Back exercises

Barbell Bent over row

Bent Over Row Cable Machine

High Row

Home Row

Lying bent over row

Over hand banded pull ups

Reardelt Pull

Single arm pulldown standing cable machine

Single arm row standing cable machine


Underhand pullups

Upright Row

Face Pulls

Pull Throughs

Single Arm Rows

Cable Seperation

Booty exercises

Banded cable kickback

Crab Walks

Abductors banded machine

Banded Donkey Kick

Elevated Glute Bridge

Hip Thrust Banded

Hip Thrust Banded

Home Kick Back

Kneeling Kick Back

Kneeling Firehydrents

Kneling Squat

Side Step Cable Squat

Side Band Kick

Sidekick cable machine banded

Sidestep with Squat

Weighted Hip Thrust Banded

Glute march 

Hip thrust to abductor

Lateral steps

Chest exercises


Chest Press

Incline Press

Stright Chestfly

Leg exercises

Cannon Ball Squats

Curtsy with DB or banded

DB Deadlift

Elevated Deadlift

Goblet Squat

Good Mornings

Goodnorning with band

Ice Skaters

Laying Down Hamstring Curl

Laying Hamstring Curls

Leg Extension

Leg Extension at Home body weight

RDL with deadband

Reverse lunge bodyweight-banded

Reverse Lunges

Side Lunges w wo bands

Single Leg Deadlift

Single Leg Extension

Single Leg Hamstring Curl

Smith Machine lungeReverse crunch

Smith squat legs to front

Squat jump

Squat to sidekick wwo band

Staggered RDL

Sumo Deadlift

Sumo Good Mornings

Bulgarian split squat

Cable Rdl

Hamstring curl sliders

Lying hamstring curls

Squat to calf raise

Sumo squat pulse

Sumo squat

Shoulder exercises

Banded 1Arm Shoulder Press

Banded Double Arm Shoulder Press

Banded Pullups

Barbell Shoulder Press

Buss Drivers

Cable Bar Frontlatraise


Incline Shoulder Raises

Laying Front Raises


Seated Shoulder Press Barbell

Shoulder Flys Free Weights Front to Side

Side Raise

Standing Side Raises Banded

Alternating Shoulder Press

Arnold Press

Shoulder Press

Single Arm Shoulder Press

Reverse Grip Front Raises

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